Sunday, May 31, 2020

Treating Children of Divorce with Play Therapy - Free Essay Example

Introduction There has been a growing interest in the different ways in which divorce impacts children (Landreth, Ray, Bratton, 2009). Landreth et al. (2009) suggests that children of divorce are affected in many different ways including emotionally, socially, and even psychologically. This disruption in well-being is often shown not only in the home, but at school as well (Landreth et al., 2009). It has become of great importance to continue to emphasize the need to provide effective services for young children struggling with mental health issues at an early age (Meany-Walen, Bratton, Kottman, 2014). Reports indicate that because children spend much of their time at school, institutions are an ideal location for children to receive these services (Meany-Walen et al., 2014). School counselors, teachers, administrators, and faculty spend a lot of time with students, and are sometimes the first to notice changes in behavior (Trice-Black, Bailey, Riechel, 2013). With that being said, schools have an essential role of identifying those students who need mental health services (Trice-Black et al., 2013). The challenge often lies in implementing those services in an effective and developmentally appropriate manner (Trice-Black et al., 2013). Applying play therapy in e ducational settings has been long encouraged by researchers, given that young childrens more complex verbal abilities emerge only as they progress in age (Trice-Black et al., 2013). This research paper will cover relevant research related to children of divorce, how divorce adversely impacts children, and different aspects of play therapy that this population can benefit from. The first portion will discuss children of divorce and their common reactions as it relates to the separation process. The second portion will discuss the different ways in which children of divorce are impacted in the educational setting. The third portion will provide an overview of play therapy. It will discuss different forms of play therapy along some limitations that come along with this intervention. Finally, with discussing multicultural considerations, information related to why play therapy is a beneficial intervention for children of divorce will be discussed. Children of Divorce Increasing divorce rates have led to more research related to the impact of divorce on young children (Kelly Berg,1978). As a result of divorce, millions of children and adolescents experience the dissolution of their families, and changes to single parent and or blended families (Connell, 2008). For some children, there are multiple changes as they realize that divorce is only the first step in a series of family transitions (Connell, 2008). Children may lose contact with one parent, and then be faced with the family to now include a stepparent and half or stepsiblings (Connell, 2008). All of these transitions can be stressful and impact childrens psychological well-being (Connell, 2008). Divorce is a time of great fear and emotional turmoil (Connell, 2008). For some young children, as new challenges and developmental tasks are confronted, problems may emerge or reemerge (Connell, 2008). Children who may seem to adjust well to the divorce may have difficulties arise later in the process (Connell, 2008). Divorce is an extremely unsettling experience for children and as a result, children must deal with feelings of insecurity and abandonment, which if not properly addressed, can lead to problematic post-divorce adjustment (Connell, 2008). Children view their families as support systems and the sources where they learn to develop trust and bonds (Connell, 2008). With that being said, loss occurs for some children of divorce on many levels (Connell, 2008). When the family unit breaks up, children lose the primary support system for their healthy development and growth (Connell, 2008). They might lose the support of the noncustodial parent, the sense of security the parent al unit provided, their home, their original school, and even their neighborhood friends (Connell, 2008). Their lifestyle might even be affected as uprooted families sometimes experience socioeconomic decline (Connell, 2008). Although childrens reactions to divorce vary based on developmental level, age, and several other factors, there are some common reactions (Connell, 2008). The feelings that seem to be common with children of divorce include anger, blame, anxiety, fear, depression, as well as feelings of rejection, abandonment, powerlessness, and hopelessness (Connell, 2008). Children of divorce tend construct their own reality in response to their parents separation and divorce (Mahony, Walsh, Lunn, Petriwskyj, 2015). Because every child views divorce in a different way, not all children react the same. Each childs reaction depends on the meaning she or he attributes to the divorce, and factors that are personal and family related (Bojuwoye, Olaniyi, Akpan, Orok, 2009). In terms of psychological adjustment, some children of divorce are at risk for reacting with both internalizing and externalizing behaviors (Ham, 2003). Externalizing behaviors include misbehavior, aggression toward others, non-compliance, acting-out, and delinquent behaviors (Ham, 2003). Internalizing behaviors include emotional distress, depression, anxiety, low self-esteem, withdrawal, and general unhappiness (Ham, 2003). Play Therapy The use of play therapy is based on a developmental understanding of children and can be traced back to the work of Anna Freud and Melanie Klein in their integration of toys and play into their work with children (Trice-Black et al., 2013). The use of play in counseling children was brought to the forefront as an effective and empirically supported intervention by the work of Virginia Axline, and built upon by the work of Landreth and numerous others who promoted the use of play therapy to meet the developmental needs of the children (Trice-Black et al., 2013). Play therapy has since gained prominence and awareness with the public at large (Trice-Black et al., 2013). Counselors typically use: (a)real life toys like a house with furniture, or kitchen set with food (b) energy releasing and stress reducing materials like squishy balls, and (c) creative expression items like materials for making arts and crafts or costumes (Yih-Jiun Sink, 2002). The use of play therapy is based on the developmental understanding of children and the agreement among early developmental leaders regarding the importance of play in a childs life (Landreth et al., 2009). According to Piaget, most children on the elementary-school level function at the two stages identified as preoperational, which is from two to seven years old, and concrete operational, which is from eight to eleven years old (Landreth et al., 2009). These stages are identified with chronological ages, but it is relatively understood that development is specific to the individual (Landreth et al., 2009). At the preoperational stage, a child is acquiring the skill of language where symbols are used to men tally represent objects (Landreth et al., 2009). Also in this stage, a childs thinking is rigid and limited to how things appear at the time (Landreth et al., 2009). This is the stage of magical thinking where children create unreasonable explanations for things that they do not understand (Landreth et al., 2009). Internally, the child has understanding and knowledge, but externally, the child still lacks the ability to communicate their thoughts to the world (Landreth et al., 2009). Play is the childs most natural way of communicating this internal awareness of self and others (Landreth et al., 2009). Symbolic play during this stage is encouraged, and allows children to freely assimilate their experiences without environmental restrictions (Landreth et al., 2009). Because the childs world is a world of action and activity, play therapy provides the therapist with an opportunity to enter the childs world (Landreth et al., 2009). The toys are like the childs words, and play is the childs language (Landreth et al., 2009). The child is not restricted to discussing what happened, rather, the child lives it out in the moment through play that reveals themes related to past experiences and associated feelings (Landreth et al., 2009). If the reason the child is in play therapy is aggressive behavior, the medium of play gives the therapist an opportunity to experience the aggressive behavior firsthand as the child attempts to break toys, while also allowing the child opportunities to learn self-control by responding with appropriate therapeutic limit-setting procedures (Landreth et al., 2009). Without the presence of play materials, the therapist could only talk with the child about the aggressive behavior (Landreth et al., 2009). Different Forms of Play Therapy Some different approaches to play therapy include psychodynamic play therapy, cognitive behavioral play therapy, child centered, directive play therapy, Adlerian play therapy, family/systemic play therapy, and school based play therapy (Peabody, 2014). Psychodynamic play therapy has three forms, including insight oriented therapy, the structure building approach, and supportive psychotherapy. The purpose of insight oriented therapy is to help the child master developmental tasks and resolve internal conflicts (Peabody, 2014). This approach is useful with children who have experienced trauma. The structure building approach is used with children who have problems with the development of object relations. This approach emphasizes empathy over interpretation. Supportive psychotherapy is best used with children with externalizing problems (Peabody, 2014). The focus is on developing coping skills and problem solving. It is often used as a supplement to cognitive behavioral therapy, which uses cognitive and behavioral interventions within a play therapy context. It focuses on the childs thoughts and environment. The child is taught coping strategies and strategies for developing more adaptive thoughts and behaviors (Peabody, 2014). Empirical techniques such as modeling are used. It is structured and goal oriented. In child centered play therapy, the non-judgmental acceptance, empathy, and warmth between the child and counselor helps the child to play out their problems and move to more productive behaviors. The therapist believes in the childs ability to be self-directing, and it is the childs choice to play or not play (Peabody, 2014). The relationship with the child determines the success of this treatment. The child is the point of focus rather than the problem. The purpose of child centered therapy is for the child to have a positive experience with a supportive adult who helps the child to find their inner strengths. Directive play therapy involves the therapist structuring the session for assessment and diagnostic purposes, and taking an active role in the play (Peabody, 2014). The first session involves building rapport with the child. The therapist tries to structure the environment according to the specific problem the child needs to address. It is often used with older children, or for dealing with very specific issues. Adlerian play therapy consists of four phases: building an egalitarian relationship, exploring the childs lifestyle, helping the child gain insight into his or her lifestyle, and reorienting and reeducating the child (Peabody, 2014). The play therapist also works with the parents by helping them to gain insight into their own lifestyle, their childs lifestyle, and the way that both of these interact. Parents also learn new parenting skills and can work on any of their own personal problems. Family/systemic play therapy just combines family therapy and play therapy. The therapist does play therapy with the child while d oing a family session (Peabody, 2014). Last but certainly not least, school based play therapy involves pulling from any of the previously mentioned approaches of play therapy and applying them in a preschool or elementary school setting. School based play therapy is often time limited, directive and guided, given that school counselors are not provided as much time with the students to conduct therapy as would a counselor providing treatment outside of a school setting (Peabody, 2014). Rationale for School Based Play Therapy Identifying early mental health interventions that are proven effective for young children and that can be delivered in highly accessible settings such as schools has been identified as a critical need (Landreth et al., 2009). Play therapy has gained widespread acceptance with clinicians as an empirically supported and developmentally responsive mental health treatment, but its use and acceptance in school settings has lagged behind (Landreth et al., 2009). Government reports on the dire status of childrens mental health in the United States have brought national attention to the urgent need to identify effective early interventions, and the essential role of schools in delivery of mental health services (Meany-Walen et al., 2014). Schools are in a unique position to identify young children who are suffering from emotional and behavioral difficulties, and to provide accessible, early intervention that can prevent the onset of more severe problems (Meany-Walen et al., 2014). Play therapy has been reported to be an appropriate counseling intervention for young children in school (Baggerly Parker, 2005). When a young child is in need of mental health services, school counselors may consider play therapy as a developmentally responsive and empirically supported intervention (Peabody, 2014). The use of play therapy in the school setting can help students as they strive to overcome many challenges that may impede social and academic growth and success (Trice-Black et al., 2013). Play, as the natural universal language of children, allows them to express themselves in developmentally appropriate means that can override the limitations of verbal expression and cultural barriers (Trice-Black et al., 2013). It provides a culturally sensitive approach because students of diverse cultures, socio-economic status, and varying academic and language abilities can communicate through the vehicle of play (Trice-Black et al., 2013). Students cultural and life experiences , which are often difficult to verbalize, can easily be expressed through play (Trice-Black et al., 2013). Research has also noted that school based play therapy is beneficial in that it can help children academically by providing the opportunity to address and overcome emotional difficulties that can hinder academic growth (Trice-Black et al., 2013). Play therapy, therefore, is an adjunct to the learning environment, and an experience that helps children maximize opportunities to learn in the classroom (Trice-Black et al., 2013). School counselors, through play therapy, can restore the much-needed emotional support, provide children opportunities to release their stress, facilitate healing, strengthen their sense of being in charge, and lessen the chances for long-term emotional harm (Yih-Jiun Sink, 2002). Due to space constraints however, many school counselors may struggle with setting up a play therapy environment (Trice-Black et al., 2013). Time constraints may be another concern in play therapy in the school environment. Sessions typically must be time friendly and structured aroun d non-academic times during the school day (Trice-Black et al., 2013). Rationale for Child Centered Play Therapy Child centered play therapy is an extension of Rogerian client-centered therapy. The overarching concept of child centered play therapy is based on Rogerss belief that all individuals, including children, have the innate capacity to develop in a positive direction if a growth-promoting climate is provided to them (Davis Pereira, 2014). The application of this idea in work with children implies that it is the therapists responsibility to facilitate a space where the child can safely express and explore their feelings, thoughts, experiences, and behaviors (Davis Pereira, 2014). Child centered play therapy stems from a nondirective theoretical orientation that focuses on the childs ability to work through their issues as compared with other more directive approaches. The primary techniques used by trained play therapists include tracking, reflective listening, and limit setting. Tracking is a skill that requires the therapist to monitor the play, show interest in the childs process, a nd begin to understand the underlying themes in the play (Davis Pereira, 2014). Reflective listening is a process in which the therapist responds to the content and emotions connected to the childs work. This allows the therapist to provide support and insight, and helps the child move toward growth (Davis Pereira, 2014). Limit setting allows the therapist to set and maintain specific boundaries for children to explore in a physically and emotionally safe and consistent environment. There are eight basic principles of child centered play therapy outlined by Virginia Axline that help to distinguish it from other play therapy approaches. In child centered play therapy, the therapist approaches the relationship from a place of respect, where the development of a warm, genuine relationship is established as a primary goal (Davis Pereira, 2014). Effort is made by the therapist to communicate that the child is fine as he or she is. This is done through reflection of empathy and genuine acceptance of the childs verbalizations and actions. It is the therapists role to act as a partner on the childs journey of healing and to accept the child exactly as he or she is in each moment, not as the counselor would like the child to be (Davis Pereira, 2014). The child is granted permission to do whatever they need within established limits. This feeling of permissiveness is established in the relationship so that the child feels free to express his or her feelings completely. Play is viewed as an expression of the childs world, and the therapist is responsible for working to understand that perspective, being alert to recognize the feelings the child is expressing, and reflecting those feelings back in such a manner that the child gains insight into their behaviors (Davis Pereira, 2014). A key component of child centered play therapy is that the therapist maintains a deep respect for the childs ability to solve his or her own problems at all times throughout the relationship. The responsibility to make choices and change is the childs. The therapist remains nondirective throughout the therapeutic relationship, and does not attempt to direct the childs actions or conversation in any type of way (Davis Pereira, 2014). The child leads the way and therapist follows. This means that the child is not rushed through the counseling process. It is a gradual process that is recognized and valued as such by the therapist. Following the childs lead in the therapeu tic process also allows the therapist to maintain a respectful appreciation for the childs culture and beliefs rather than imposing their own cultural background on the process (Davis Pereira, 2014). Finally, the therapist only establishes limits when they are necessary to ground the child to reality and to make the child aware of his or her responsibility. By allowing children to express themselves in their own culturally accepted ways, for example, through the use of specific songs and dances, culturally appropriate pretend foods, cultural rituals, or the use of language and storytelling, counselors can add to their understanding and ultimately their effectiveness as professionals, resulting in a better ability to help others to possess their own identities (Davis Pereira, 2014). This main strength to be considered with child centered play therapy is the potential multicultural impact it can have. This is especially the case when considering all societies differ in the upbringing of children, education, and influences such as parental expectations. Child centered play therapy is less limited by cultural differences and focuses on more culturally relevant concepts such as an emphasis on social and emotional environment, and acceptance of all culturally based aspects that the child chooses to bring into therapy (Davis Pereira, 2014). Multicultural Considerations Mental health professionals are strongly encouraged to consistently engage in obtaining multicultural competence across the globe. Multicultural counseling refers to preparation and practice that integrates multicultural and culture specific awareness, knowledge, and skills into counseling interactions. Counselors must take into account current social, economic, and political realities, while responding to the developmental needs of children in rapidly changing multicultural societies (Davis Pereira, 2014). Play therapy can serve as a beneficial intervention for integrating a culturally competent way of providing counseling services to children. More specifically, child-centered play therapy provides a creative, accepting, and safe environment for children to explore issues related to culture, development, and a variety of multicultural difficulties and issues in a creative and familiar way. Child centered play therapy is based in the humanistic orientation, believing that what ulti mately makes human relatedness is the quality of the relationship as well as unconditional positive regard, genuineness, and presence when working with children (Davis Pereira, 2014). With that being said, child centered play therapy provides a humanistic lens to view therapeutic work with children that addresses the constant need for multicultural competence in counseling, by allowing children to explore their worlds and issues from their idiosyncratic cultural perspectives without judgment. Child centered play therapy can be used in counseling settings with children to gain more understanding of the issues, culture, and developmental level of the child, as well as possible solutions across settings, age, gender, and race (Davis Pereira, 2014). This understanding is important when considering the need to address multicultural issues for children as an ever-growing minority and underrepresented population in the mental health profession, with developmentally appropriate interventi ons such as child centered play therapy. Ethical Principles An obligation of the play therapist is to act in the best interests of clients. This is extremely important considering the fact that play therapists clients are generally dependent on caregivers. Ensuring that the clients best interests are met requires monitoring of practice and outcomes (Davis Pereira, 2014). Play therapists establish relationships of trust with the children they work with. They honor and act in accordance with the trust placed in them. With that being said, play therapists are obligated to maintain confidentiality and restrict disclosures of confidential information to a standard appropriate to their workplace and legal requirements (Davis Pereira, 2014). Play Therapists respect the dignity and worth of all people and the rights to privacy, confidentiality and autonomy. Play therapists who respect the autonomy of the children they work with ensure accuracy of advertising and delineation of service information. Play therapists seek freely the informed consent of those legally responsible for clients and, where possible, assent from clients, engage in clear and explicit contracts, including confidentiality requirements and inform those involved of any foreseeable conflicts of interest (Davis Pereira, 2014). Play Therapists are aware that special safeguards may be necessary to protect the rights and welfare of clients who are non-autonomous and dependent on others. Play Therapy Limitations Although play therapy has been accepted as an appropriate intervention for children, it has also been criticized for lacking adequate research that proves its effectiveness. Research often fails to validate this treatment because of inadequate definitions of what constitutes play therapy, research methods that often rely on case studies, small samples, uncontrolled studies, and last but not least, inadequate or non-measurable determinants of treatment outcome (Bratton, Ray, Rhine, Jones, 2001). Research done on play therapy has had mixed results. Research that can be generalized beyond individual cases has not really been done. Most of the research being done is coming from practitioners who do play therapy, and therefore run the risk of being biased. These studies however, provide good argument for the benefits of play therapy and provide good descriptions of it (Bratton et al., 2001). Some studies on play therapy are well-designed and have a comparison gro up to increase internal validity and eliminate confounding factors. Play therapists treat many different types of problems with many different children, which makes it hard to generalize to larger populations (Bratton et al., 2001). Different groups of children will have differing responses to the treatment. Other limitations as it relates to determining the effectiveness of play therapy includes the fact that different children are often times not given the same treatment because different play therapists use different techniques, which makes it hard to make comparisons. Many aspects of play therapy are considered to be immeasurable. Research suggests that there are four underlying limitations to play therapy (Bratton et al., 2001). The first being an inconsistent definition of play therapy, the second being varied training of professionals who practice play therapy, the third being use of different materials and modes of play therapy, and the fourth being inadequate statistical de signs. Most studies look at small samples and those that were large sometimes lack a control group, have poor statistical power, are highly subjective, or have low rater reliability (Bratton et al., 2001). Personal Values and Interests I personally find it important to take more of a person centered approach when it comes to conducting therapy. I am unauthoritative when interacting with patients because I find it to be very important to allow the patient to take the lead in the therapeutic process. Ive found that often times, this allows the patient to slowly but surely identify their own solutions to the problems that they came in with. I believe gaining the ability to create their own solutions not only builds self-esteem within patients, but also builds their confidence as it relates to knowing that if they were able to identify their own solutions during the therapeutic process, then they will be more prepared and capable of doing it again on their own in the future. I value the idea of every individual having the capacity to positively grow if provided with the appropriate space to do so. I find that utilizing a person centered approach often times result in patients becoming advocates for themselves. Because I am personally interested in person centered therapy, my opinion is that child centered play therapy would be most beneficial for children of divorce. My personal rationale for choosing this intervention over the several other forms of play therapy include the fact that it allows the child to drive the therapeutic car with the therapist meeting them where they are. I think this is very important because what Ive learned over time is that because of how we are developmentally programmed, its much easier for an adult to meet a child where they are than to ask a child to meet an adult where they are. Another major rationale for choosing this approach includes its emphasis on being a beneficial multicultural approach. I am intrigued by the fact that it allows a child to bring their own culture, values, and interests into therapy without having any elses imposed on them to influence underlying themes behind their play.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

How Do I Make My Section Number College Essay

How Do I Make My Section Number College Essay?It might be the most well-known inquiry that understudies pose: how would I make my area number school article? There are a wide range of techniques you can use to compose an innovative and fascinating segment. Beneath we will turn out probably the most well known ones.One of the most famous strategies is to compose an area regarding a matter that you are energetic about. This is particularly useful for college understudies who are chipping away at their college degrees. On the off chance that you have a leisure activity or love a specific subject, it is anything but difficult to track down models in writing, motion pictures, and famous music. You can likewise simply recount to your own story or make a story that is identified with the subject you chose.Another well known technique is to incorporate a prelude toward the start of the exposition that clarifies what you are going to discuss. This can be a statement from a tune, a short state ment from somebody you appreciate, or whatever else that gives a concise depiction of what the article is about. This will assist you with setting the state of mind for the remainder of the essay.Sometimes a segment that recounts a specific point can be incredible for an introduction section. For instance, in the event that you are going to discuss your preferred b-ball group, you can make reference to a most loved player by name and incorporate a little historical data about him or her.Also, on the off chance that you need to get individuals keen on perusing your paper, attempt to incorporate an eye catching presentation that will assist them with beginning. For instance, rather than composing a prologue to your exposition about how you intend to begin a business, you can give them a couple of instances of organizations that are like your thought and incorporate a connect to your site. Despite the fact that your exposition won't utter a word about the achievement of the business, y our composing will manufacture the peruser's interest.Sometimes, you can even make over again part of your paper as long as you imagine that it bigly affects the individuals understanding it. For instance, on the off chance that you love to sing, you could remember a segment for how you figured out how to sing and how your singing transformed you. In the event that you would rather not wash up, there are a few advantages to expounding on your encounters scrubbing down, for example, how loosening up it makes you feel.Creativity will consistently prevail upon imagination and usefulness. This is the reason you should make your exposition as fascinating as could reasonably be expected, with the goal that you can rouse the peruser to peruse your article and afterward start to gain from it.

Saturday, May 23, 2020

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Friday, May 22, 2020

What You Dont Know About College Confidential Stream of Consciousness College Essay

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Monday, May 18, 2020

Informal Essay Topics Features

<h1> Informal Essay Topics Features </h1> <p>The objective is to verify that understudies have the combo of attributes that have demonstrated effective for individuals in their picked profession. Despite the fact that individuals accept instruction is a right and will make society, for the most part, a superior spot for everyone, others feel there's no certified way to give a free advanced degree as universities would in any case should be financed (likely through expense dollars). The manners in which understudies should be instructed about their prosperity. A lot of understudies put on a uniform. </p> <h2>Whatever They Told You About Informal Essay Topics Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why </h2> <p>Notice the perfectly clear articulation of the postulation, the solid delineations inside the body of the exposition, and how the decision brings about an increasingly broad explanation of what's maybe to come later on. You should create a thought an d offer some proof. Your proposal articulation is the main sentence that tells the peruser correctly what the rest of the piece of the report will be about. An incredible proposition articulation communicates your take or sentiment notwithstanding your decision about the subject. </p> <h2> What You Don't Know About Informal Essay Topics</h2> <p>Nevertheless, the genuine key to a flourishing exploration paper is association. Expounding on atomic weapons is constantly an amazing thought. Fortunately, there are a wide range of devices like example proposition diagrams accessible that can help you with really making every one of your layouts. Or on the other hand, as another option, you may make a last assessment of the book it is needy upon the undertaking you were given. </p> <p>What you try to instruct your peruser will discover the sort of your exposition. As to second question, the absolute first thing that rings a bell is to find the potential s olution on it or show the inconceivability of answer. As you read through the report, there are numerous inquiries that you ought to have in the back of your brain and that you should endeavor to reply. A few inquires about examine a general theme while some are taking care of something explicit. </p> <h2>New Step by Step Roadmap for Informal Essay Topics </h2> <p>Informal expositions are an uncommon sort of scholastic composition. In the underlying one, you have to make a paper. There are different kinds of articles. While casual papers needn't bother with explicit comprehension of specific subjects, we suggest that you take a gander at the data you use while composing. </p> <p>Structure of a paper A successful school exposition needs to have an away from of the whole substance. Understudies associated with casual article composing should think about. As you're composing a conventional article, at that point you must verify that the tone of your proper paper is moreover formal in light of the fact that your target group would turn into your instructor and cohorts, you may need to show that you're proficient recorded as a hard copy formal papers. Despite the fact that every proper expositions are similar in structure, there are one of a kind sorts of formal papers. </p> <h2> Informal Essay Topics - Is it a Scam?</h2> <p>Currently, heaps of individuals contradict web based perusing since they trust it is less amazing than print perusing. Remaining sound is among the enormous patterns. </p> <p>All you will require is to connect with our composing administration! What happens is you will find numerous destinations wh ich offer types of assistance professing to be perfect in helping you to make papers as indicated by a specific structure or recipe. In this manner, it's significant care for the telephone cautiously. </p> <p>Curriculum proposition subjects is a way to attempt. In the occasion the understudies are standing up to any issue with the sentence structure rules, at that point they have to get a punctuation guide or attempt some low maintenance on-line language structure classes. Shockingly, numerous understudies don't discover how to get the best sources. They are likewise required to finish a vocation appraisal course as a piece of some first-year school program necessities. </p>

Great Tips to Writing a Good Expository Essay

Great Tips to Writing a Good Expository EssayIf you're trying to write an expository essay for your student writing or research paper, it can be hard, but luckily there are some tips to writing a good expository essay. The first tip is to choose a topic that is very easy to understand. There are lots of ways to go about this. For example, if the topic is about football, you could try looking at popular news stories about football, or you could ask people who play the sport, and then write an essay on the topic.Another tip to writing a good expository essay is to have a clear idea of what you want to say before you start writing. Sometimes when you're writing a lot of information, it can become pretty hard to write a well-organized essay, especially if you have lots of information to write about. There are also times when you may need to summarize and present the key points of your essay in one single paragraph.However, there is more to writing a good expository essay than just having a good idea of what you want to say. Many students feel that an expository essay is something that needs a lot of words and a lot of research. While this can be true for some topics, especially where the subject is fairly new, but a good expository essay will need lots of short, concise sentences and don't need lots of research or wordy sentences. You should be able to get your point across with sentences and few details.The other tip to writing a good expository essay is to make sure that your essay flows well. The best way to write an expository essay is to keep it as simple as possible. Don't try to make it complex, or you'll be leaving out important information that will be hard to summarize and present.Some other tips to writing agood expository essay include choosing a topic that's easy to understand and write about. Don't choose a topic that is so complicated that it would be impossible to convey information in a short amount of time. Although there are plenty of topics to c hoose from, a good rule of thumb is to choose one that is easy to write about and yet has a lot of detail to it.Once you've chosen a topic for your expository essay, you need to write the essay in an organized manner. This may mean taking up more time, but the better the order in which you write the essays, the better the results will be. When you write an expository essay in a disorganized manner, you'll often have to start over because you don't know where to begin and you may not even realize that you're starting at the wrong point. This can be very frustrating, but it also leaves out the important information and makes the final draft look worse.As an expository essay gets longer, you will need to add more detail to it. Always try to follow the 'less is more' rule when writing an expository essay. For example, you should try to keep the expository essay short but to the point. Write lots of sentences and save the more detailed explanations for the end.As you can see, there are s ome great tips to writing a good expository essay, and there are many different topics to choose from. There are plenty of essays to choose from, so no matter what topic you want to write about, you'll be able to find a way to do it!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

A Good Middle School Research Paper Example Can Be A Great Tool

<h1>A Good Middle School Research Paper Example Can Be A Great Tool</h1><p>To take advantage of your examination paper, it is essential to do look into on your subject. It will likewise be a smart thought to use a center school investigate paper model. A few instances of good research papers will give you a thought on the most proficient method to approach composing your own.</p><p></p><p>The first thing that you should do so as to compose a decent research paper is to realize what is a significant idea. For instance, you may need to realize that air atoms don't respond to each other. This will assist you with thinking of an analysis to test this idea. There are loads of investigations that you can perform. You can try different things with specific responses that are solid or powerless, zapping or not, or even the vibrations of sound waves.</p><p></p><p>The next thing that you should know is the manner by which to gau ge things. The most normally utilized technique for ascertaining the heaviness of something is by duplicating the mass of the item by the thickness of the article. The heaviness of the item would then be able to be determined by separating the weight by the density.</p><p></p><p>You will likewise need to realize how to ensure that you know about everything that you have written in your paper. For this you should begin by gathering the entirety of the realities. At that point, record the realities and include them up with the goal that you know where every reality falls corresponding to the next facts.</p><p></p><p>Next, you should realize how to make the plot. One method of plotting information is by utilizing a diagram. This chart should show you the connection between the data.</p><p></p><p>Finally, you should figure out how to utilize the whole procedure of measurements when doing tries different things with youngsters. Kids can be made to make their own analyses. Since youngsters are youthful, this implies you should get them far from any kind of peril while doing experiments.</p><p></p><p>Using a decent center school investigate paper model will assist you with thinking of your own examinations and plot your information. You will likewise have the option to think about the significance of your information focuses, particularly in the event that you are getting them from various youngsters. Learning the correct method to record your information is significant for a great deal of reasons.</p><p></p><p>One reason that it is essential to have the option to record your information is on the grounds that when it comes time for the instructors to review you, they can utilize these numbers to check how well you did in various subjects. Utilizing a decent center school explore paper model will assist you with thinking of analyses that will permit you to examine your information in more profundity. When you get to school, you will have the option to think of increasingly complex analyses that will permit you to demonstrate the legitimacy of your findings.</p>

Essay Topics For Application

<h1>Essay Topics For Application</h1><p>Essay themes for embodiment may shift and can include: morals, globalization, governmental issues, religion, sexuality, media and industrialism, and the earth. Ordinarily you will find that your theme is to some degree out of the container, yet you can be guaranteed that you will have the option to enough disclose it to the reader.</p><p></p><p>One of the most well-known points for embodiment expositions are articles that spread profound quality. This is on the grounds that this theme will in general have more strong material than others. For instance, good or moral standards don't change that much across societies will in general follow comparable rules as they manage issues of social or individual ethical quality. Perhaps the greatest distinction lies in how exacting a portion of these rules are.</p><p></p><p>Whether your subject is ethical quality in an exposition, the primary concern is that a decent speaker ought to have the option to adequately convey and consequently, the most ideal approach to learn is to watch others talk. This is the reason morals subjects are so mainstream in exercise plans. Morals can get befuddling on occasion and it takes a solid speaker to have the option to appropriately manage subjects of morals. It additionally assists with contemplating open speakers and how they handle moral issues. You can even take notes during an introduction or read books on the subject.</p><p></p><p>You ought to likewise guarantee that you comprehend the laws and guidelines of your nation talk on an everyday premise. This will give you a decent base for composing moral essays.</p><p></p><p>Common points for embodiment may incorporate subjects like industrialism, work place issues, and so on. Not these things are exceptional to one nation. Notwithstanding, here and there these subjects can turn out to b e somewhat definite and this can make it harder to compose a paper about them. Once in a while the themes could be extremely wide and might be to some degree fluctuated and will be distinctive relying upon the unique situation and individuals that are utilizing it.</p><p></p><p>Conducting a basic web search on your subject is a good thought. Not exclusively would it be able to assist you with getting thoughts for points for representation, yet you will likewise have the option to discover other data on this subject too. You can even discover specialists in your general vicinity that can assist you with it as well.</p><p></p><p>Getting input from specialists on what to do and what not to do on a point can be critical exercise. Learning all alone is in every case fine, however when you get more information on a point, you would then be able to approach composing an article on that theme all the more viably. Past style remembrance and rei teration are presumably the best strategy for most, yet on the off chance that you have to enhance something, at that point go to your reference books and find where you are frail and afterward right it.</p><p></p><p>Ethical expositions are extraordinary and a significant number of the issues looked by society today can be effectively taken care of without any problem. When you begin to investigate these points you can think of a decent number of themes for representation papers. On the off chance that you need to compose an incredible article, moral papers are the ideal spot to start.</p>

Monday, May 11, 2020

Writing A Research Paper For An OCD Student

<h1>Writing A Research Paper For An OCD Student</h1><p>Are you going to compose an OCD look into paper? Composing papers for understudies to review and present isn't a simple assignment. They are unquestionably more troublesome than it may appear from the outset glance.</p><p></p><p>As soon as an individual comes to school, a significant piece of their future depends in transit the person in question evaluations and presents the exploration papers. So as to ensure they do well in their classes, they have to do well in their examination paper too.</p><p></p><p>The greatest test that most understudies face is that they don't have the foggiest idea how to start an exploration paper or what kind of research to do. There are different sorts of research accessible and it is dependent upon the understudy to realize which one is suitable for a given project.</p><p></p><p>The most significant part of an exploration paper is to start by distinguishing what the reason for the paper is. Ordinarily this is distinctive for every understudy. This will make it simpler for them to recognize what the subjects ought to be the point at which they run over the information.</p><p></p><p>Another significant component is the investigation of the information. Understudies can utilize this data to call attention to explicit regions that may require further examination. Others will distinguish regions where they want to apply this knowledge.</p><p></p><p>An significant component is that the examination be sorted out so that there is no disarray on what the paper is about. When composing this kind of paper, understudies ought to never utilize sentences that don't have a place on the paper. They ought to consistently make it a point to write in a reasonable, brief manner.</p><p></p><p>Research isn't in every case simple, however w hen understudies concentrate enough, they ought to figure out how to successfully introduce the data in the paper. The initial step is to distinguish what data is imperative to them and what data is for them to research.</p><p></p><p>Once the data is recognized, the subsequent stage is to sort out this data and afterward utilize this association as an approach to figure out what subjects individuals are keen on. Individuals ought to likewise recollect that arranging the data is the least significant piece of their examination paper.</p>

The Pain of Essay Topics for Classification and Division College

<h1> The Pain of Essay Topics for Classification and Division College </h1> <p>Classification paper composes a particular subject into various classifications. Composing a characterization paper is tantamount to sorting out and recording reports into different classifications. When you have isolated your subject, you need to pick a standard of arrangement. Grouping is much the same as partitioning things into classes. </p> <p>Let's start with the essential rules that are critical for grouping paper composing, so it's conceivable to gain a cognizant choice of theme in accordance with the classifications that you need to cover. The central reason to separate the full paper into different classifications is to get increasingly exhaustive comprehension on the bigger subject. In addition, after you pick your subject, set aside some effort to make certain you've thought of each conceivable classification. In the introduction, you should unmistakably express the subject of the order and clarify why an understanding of the division of the classifications is imperative. </p> <h2>Top Essay Topics for Classification and Division College Secrets </h2> <p>Knowing the general character types and how to respond to them will help make the parental figure's activity much less complex and aid the alleviation of pointless pressure. Some are drinkable while some have a total body. Whatever th eir personality, youngsters should get treated dependent on their particular needs. </p> <p>Regardless of what edge you settle on, this subject could gracefully you with the opportunity to look into your exposition and conjure up your next escape at precisely the same second. While the thought of skipping on a couple of themes and classifications can resemble an incredible thought once it goes to an enormous article, it absolutely doesn't make for good perusing. You will have the chance to flexibly loads of guides to back up your contentions. Your subject will speak to a wide entirety. </p> <p>Each playing season must be spoken to by every sex moreover. The understudy competitor's experience is of most extreme concern. In case you're an understudy, chances are you have late information in picking a school major. Pay is only one of a few factors really adding to loss of laborers. </p> <h2> Why Almost Everything You've Learned About Essay Topics for Classification and Division College Is Wrong</h2> <p>You ought to clarify how you'll characterize various things in the presentation of your paper. The classifications you pick for your paper ought to be totally discrete. Or then again you should discover a few suggestions on how best to form your exposition. It is basic to build grouping paper subjects before you decide to make a beneficial order exposition. </p> <p>Students can't obtain sufficient information with respect to how precisely they need to arrange the modules of their articles. Grouping expositions contain the very same segments which other school papers contain. They aren't especially hard to compose and most understudies excel on them. Gathering will exclusively dependent on the goal behind the exposition. </p> <p>To have the option to review grouping expositions, various colleges and universities are these days recommending explicit rubrics that must be followed. No outside research should be used.</p> <h2>Whatever They Told You About Essay Topics for Classification and Division College Is Dead Wrong...And Here's Why </h2> <p>Our organization is believed to be among the need moderate tweaked article administrations among other composing organizations today. A Real Estate organization not at all like some other fixated on the mission of developing a system of vocation disapproved of aces who endeavor to develop their organization and their future. The essayists make an application for orders they truly need to deal with, along these lines the clients can be sure they will procure great work at the absolute best cost with this administration. All authors working for this administration will eagerly get an endeavor and they're continually doing their absolute bes t to convey the absolute best paper at the absolute best cost. </p> <h2> Lies You've Been Told About Essay Topics for Classification and Division College </h2> <p>You may likewise offer some broad realities or instructive subtleties to pull in the perusers. In your presentation, you can likewise wish to introduce some specific graphic or instructive subtleties to tempt the enthusiasm of your perusers and propose the point of the paper. If so, you have yourself an extraordinary point. On the off chance that you can't think of a few, at that point you may require another subject.</p> <h2> Essay Topics for Classification and Division College at a Glance</h2> <p>A division arrangement exposition utilizes model that show the state of a structure. Grouping reports ought to get a presentation, a body, and an end. Division is among the major tasks of math. The NEC Zone characterization framework was delivered to gracefully worldwide organizati ons with a framework which could be fit with IEC arrangement framework and in this manner decline the unpredictability of the board. </p>

Friday, May 8, 2020

Research Paper Topics About Japan - Knows More About the Country Will Help You Make a Good Essay

<h1>Research Paper Topics About Japan - Knows More About the Country Will Help You Make a Good Essay</h1><p>The measure of research paper themes about Japan is for all intents and purposes perpetual. While there are some regular themes, explicit perspectives on every subject are significant in making an incredible research paper. To be as readied as workable for the exposition, expound on points that can assist you with making an incredible essay.</p><p></p><p>In expansion to having a comprehension of Japanese culture and society, it is additionally imperative to know something about Japan's international strategy and its relationship with the United States and the remainder of the world. Despite the fact that it is anything but difficult to go over this data finally in the center of the creative cycle, remember to bring it up in your theme. Doing so will guarantee that you don't pass up any significant focuses about Japan's history or remote policy.</p><p></p><p>The initial phase in finding a decent theme for your examination paper is to consider the amount you definitely think about Japan. With such huge numbers of individuals keen on becoming familiar with the nation, you can be certain that there is a lot of material out there that can utilize. In the event that your enthusiasm for inquiring about themes about Japan is principally about what it has done and will do later on, at that point you ought to have the option to skirt this step.</p><p></p><p>One alternative is to discover online assets that have just done the exploration for you. Fortunately these locales regularly charge an ostensible expense for access to the materials. Additionally, some of them offer you propelled reorder designing capacities, which makes it simple to make something very unique.</p><p></p><p>You may likewise be keen on returning to old subjects. For this situation, y ou should begin by finding articles that are no longer in print. There are sites that offer old articles that have been filtered, changed over to HTML, and afterward put on the web for anybody to download and use as they please.</p><p></p><p>If you might want to remember Japan for your examination, you ought to do as such in a manner that doesn't exhaust the peruser. As a rule, it is ideal to furnish your perusers with enough data to connect with them, however not all that much that they get exhausted. What's more, so as to locate the correct equalization, your theme ought not overpower the reader.</p><p></p><p>Keep your exploration fascinating while at the same time covering recent developments. Consider a portion of the intriguing issues in the news today and expound on them in your exploration paper. As usual, investigate your point altogether before you begin.</p><p></p><p>Once you have settled on your decis ions, you should settle on sure that your decisions to meet the entirety of the measures set out above. You should consider your time span, the amount you can spend, and how enormous your theme is. Every one of these will decide how much research paper points about Japan will cost you, so make certain to prepare with the goal that you can spend the most cash on the most fascinating and significant topics.</p>

The Right Way to Write a Paper

The Right Way to Write a PaperWhen it comes to providing an exceptional student paper, writers need to know that a custom writing service is an effective option. Sidney is the right place for an individual who is looking to write and then have the article included on the paper.Students always want to write for their papers and when they are offered an opportunity, most of them go for the custom writing service. Writing for this type of document does not necessarily mean that students have to be writers. Even though they can write a lot of content, when they choose this way to submit their work, it would be better if they already have some experience with the subject.Most students do not get much experience writing. If this is the case, the students would probably have to learn about the topic before they can write for papers. If this is the case, there are some students who do not really have any idea how to go about writing. The only way they can get used to this process is by takin g a class on it or by getting help from some other writer.For students to feel more comfortable with writing for a Sidney paper, they must make sure that they understand what is needed. Most of the time, students use a word processor or edit software to write an article or to edit it. If this is the case, the students should make sure that they are using the correct software. Some of the software that works well with writing is Microsoft Word.A good writing service for Sidney offers services that are reliable. There are many writers who do not provide this kind of service. This is because they do not have enough experience in this field. However, they can provide the students with quality and consistent results.A writing service is different from a freelance writer because of the lack of fee. When a student is provided a writing service, it will be easier for him to make use of this service. This is because the students will not be charged any money unless they get additional work d one for them.The Sidney writers do not charge until they have completed the assignment for the student. In this way, the student will not feel pressured to give the work on time because he will know that he will not be charged. Moreover, the student will not feel worried about whether the paper is properly edited since he will know that the writing service is capable of doing so.If you are thinking of how to go about writing a paper, you should consider using a writing service. This will give you the flexibility to take advantage of any writing service you find on the internet. Your writing style will benefit from this choice.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Area Is Not A Simple Process - 1620 Words

The decolonisation of an area is not a simple process. It is complicated and involves interconnected factors that have not always been handled appropriately; this has the potential to lead to new problems between the parties involved. This essay will examine the effects of decolonisation by drawing an outline of the causes that led to the decline of European Imperialism in Africa. The assessment will be focusing on the continuations and disparities following the period of Long Depression at the end of the nineteenth century, which included the Scramble for Africa† and the political dissecting of the continent. Imperialism is the extension of a country s eminence into foreign territories and can be conducted by various means. The†¦show more content†¦This was European Imperialism working like a conglomerate. This policy or practice of acquiring full or partial political control, is primarily for the benefit of the settlers and leads to the exploitation of the colonised. The mechanics of colonialism were designed to facilitate extraction. This is the point made in Alemazung s assessment of how the functions of colonialism are still operating in a post-colonial Africa. The relationship between Africa and the West being described as asymmetrical (2010, p. 62) is an example of the nature of Imperialism and that the exchange between Africa and the West was not one of balance. The end of the Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade meant that the countries in Europe had one less avenue where wealth was streaming in from. This led to the exploration of Africa, which was as much a political expedition as it was geographical. The Berlin Conference in 1884 was organised so that the European countries could settle what areas of Africa were designated between them without going to war. The World Wars showed that Europe had a conflict between the nations. The imperialist powers were not united and people from colonised countries across the globe fought in the war, which resulted in thousands of them dying. The War took its financial toll on the West and caused many nations to acquire loans from the United States. This took a strain on their colonial rule as the resources

Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Autoethnography Essay Example For Students

Autoethnography Essay In Arts of the Contact Zone, Mary Louise Pratt introduces a term very unfamiliar to many people. This term, Autoethnography Essay, means the way in which subordinate peoples present themselves in ways that their dominants have represented them. Therefore, autoethnography is not self-representation, but a collaboration of mixed ideas and values form both the dominant and subordinate cultures. They are meant to address the speakers own community as well as the conquerors. Pratt provides many examples of autoethnography throughout her piece, including two texts by Guaman Poma and her son, Manuel. Although very different in setting, ideas, and time periods, they accomplish the difficult goal of cross-cultural communication. Guaman Poma, an Andean who claimed noble Inca descent, wrote a twelve hundred page long letter in 1613 to King Philip III of Spain. This manuscript was particularly unique because it was written in two languages, Spanish and Quechua, the native language of the Andeans. Quechua was not thought of as a written language . . . ., nor Andean culture as a literate culture (584). This letter proved the theory wrong. Somehow, Poma interacted with the Spanish in a contact zone, which is a social space where cultures meet, clash, and grapple with each other (584). This communication forced him to learn the Spanish culture and use it to his advantage. With his new found knowledge, he presented to the world a piece of work that incorporated Andean customs and values with European manners and ideas, exemplifying the idea of cross-cultural communication. The only flaw in his piece was that it never reached its intended recipient and therefore, did not get recognized until it was three hundred fifty years too late. Poma combines his Andean knowledge with his Spanish knowledge. He constructs his text by appropriating and adapting pieces of the representational repertoire of the invaders (589). At one point, he makes the Spaniards seem foolish and greedy. The Spanish, . . . ., brought nothing of value to share with the Andeans, nothing but armor and guns with the lust for gold, silver, gold and silver. . . . (587). It is obvious from this quote that Poma intentionally exaggerates the Spaniards to be an avaricious people. He believes that they have brought nothing useful to the Andeans but ways of greed and a hunger for power. By writing in their own language, Poma shows his oppositional representation of the Spaniards. His transcultural character is not only seen in the written text, but also in the visual content of some four hundred pages. The drawings show the subordinate-dominant plane of the Spanish conquest. They depict the Inca way of life, as well as the greedy nature of the Spanish. The drawings themselves are European in style, but deploy specifically Andean systems of spatial symbolism that express Andean values and aspirations (589). In Andean symbolism, the height at which a person or people are drawn indicate their power and authority in society. Poma mocks the Spanish in one of his drawings by showing the Andean and the Spaniard at the same level, knowing that the Spanish believed that they were the dominant culture. His drawings, along with their own individual autoethnographic captions, help to emphasize the transcultural symbolism and nature of his manuscript. Together, they accentuate the ideas of autoethnography. Pomas letter is not Pratts only way of exhibiting an autoethnographic text. She also uses her son, Manuels, experiences in grammar school to further emphasize her point of cross-cultural communication. The teacher-pupil relationship is just one of many examples of a dominant-subordinate relationship. The teacher gives out a task and the student is expected to obey the command. In this particular situation, Manuels teacher asks them to write a paragraph using single-sentence responses to a few questions. Manuel, unwilling to be the subordinate, tries to resist the assignment in a clever way, since he is expected to identify with the interests of those in power over him-parents, teachers, doctors, public authorities (592). .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728 , .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728 .postImageUrl , .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728 , .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728:hover , .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728:visited , .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728:active { border:0!important; } .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728:active , .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728 .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ue3de3df60b864c1730a3fbb8eaeb2728:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Divorce A Life Changing Experience Essay His mockery of the task is seen right from the title of his paragraph, A Grate Adventchin. The words of the title are not misspelled because Manuel is not a good speller, but are purposely misspelled because of his intent to defy the authority figure, .